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Hope Rising World

Our Mission

Hope Rising World(HRW) seeks innovative endeavors to resolve difficulties and enhance the life of human beings all over the world with HRW’s promotion projects; which purpose of this corporation is to perform fundraising events through musical programs, documentary film, competition, and events to serve the needs of homeless children, adoptees, families, and provide educational opportunities.

Thank You Executive Director Oshell Oh

IRS EIN #47-3949546 DLN 26053593004446
Customer Service ID# 31954
Public Charity Status170(b)(I)(A)(vi)
Federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code(IRC) Section 501(c)(3)
Donors can deduct contributions they make to you under IRC Section 170.
CALIFORNIA Filed # F593606
CA Corporate Number C3766646
Donation Account 122039399-500370181 (Hanmi Bank)세계희망올리기

"Echoes of Star Spangled Banner"

Poet Oshell Oh


Freedom’s seeds in the earth are sown,

Tales of courage known by all.

From the fire of their passion,

Hearts respond to liberty’s call.


1775, the hope of warriors’ drumbeat rings,

Thirteen hearts unite as liberty sings.

Sixty-six thousand lives, freedom’s toll,

An echoing tribute to the common goal.


1812, drumbeats split the silent night,

Twenty thousand warriors, freedom’s valiant fight.

For you and me, their sacrifice vast,

In the annals of history, their glory cast.


1846, against Mexico we took a stand,

Thirteen thousand, one hundred eighty-three, to defend our land.

For Texas, their lives they gave,

Their sacrifice allows us, on this land, to live.


1861, fighting for equality,

One hundred and ten thousand lives, unity sought.

A nation divided, to the unity they bind,

Victory for all people, in our hearts enshrined.


1898, in battle with Spain,

Two thousand nine hundred ninety-six, forever remain.

For Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippine lands,

Sacrifice in their hearts forever stands.


1899, with the Philippines we unite,

Four thousand two hundred, for justice, they fight.

Across the Pacific for humanity’s sake,

True to freedom, a journey they undertake.


1917, the Great War claims its toll,

One hundred six thousand, five hundred ten souls.

Amidst the ruins, they fought their way,

Their cold sacrifice heralds a brighter day.


World War II, 1941 to 45,

Four hundred five thousand, three hundred ninety-five.

Against those who defied humanity’s right,

Their dedication, a beacon of heavenly light.


1950, the Korean War calls,

Thirty-six thousand, five hundred ten fall.

Against ideological warfare, they stand tall,

Offering humanity’s freedom, a gift to all.


Vietnam, 1954 to 75,

Fifty-eight thousand, two hundred twenty, never be forgotten.

In jungles and swamps, they fought with undying fire,

An unextinguished flame of hope.


1990, the Gulf War years,

One hundred forty rest, shedding silent tears.

For our friends in Kuwait, under desert sun,

Their bravery on the sand, a victory won.


2001, the Afghanistan war,

Two thousand nine hundred forty, no more.

Against terror’s unjust rule, they contend,

For the righteous path, their lives they lend.


2003, the Iraq war begins,

Four thousand four hundred twenty, free of sins.

Against tyranny’s paradox, they rose,

Their unyielding fury, forever juxtapose.


Post 2001, the 9/11 fall,

Seven thousand one hundred five, answered the call.

Unable to resist terror’s deathly blow,

Breaking the vicious cycle, our solemn vow.


Echoes of the Liberty Bell, we vow to repay,

Preserving human dignity, we lead the way.

Against injustice, we gather our strength anew,

To show the unjust, their impending doom.


Hand in hand, to a brighter day we stride,

With hope and happiness as our guide.

To keep the world without conflict of interest, we aspire,

Nurturing youth’s courage as circumstances require.


Let your heart beat with a peace drum,

Life and death, not by vain desires, we steer.

Our desires, in the universe we ensnare,

Filled with greater hope, the victory we declare.

Poet Oshell Oh                                                                                   Memorial Day                                                  May 29, 2023

Hope is Love

Hope is Love.
Because lacking in your Love,
Hope never to be done.

Hope is Love.
Your Love ignites Hope.
Hope stands with your Love Forever.

Let Us Hope for Each Other!
Hope could change the World.
From Hate to Love and Hopeless to Hope.

Let Us Stand with Hope!
Behold, until Love of Hope spread out for All.
Your Beautiful Hope is your Life.
Narrows Milky way

Narrows' Milky Way - Zion National Park by Oshell Oh

Congratulations! The USA! Finally, America coming back and celebrating the freedom of the Covid Pandemic! Overcoming Covid Pandemic, the 20-minute spectacular fireworks are celebrating simultaneously from four barges where is one of the largest annual fireworks displays in the United States. Hope Rising World Documentary Media Director Oshell Oh with Big Bay Boom Fireworks at San Diego Bay by
Congratulations! The USA! Finally, America coming back and celebrating the freedom of the Covid Pandemic! Overcoming Covid Pandemic, the 20-minute spectacular fireworks are celebrating simultaneously from four barges where is one of the largest annual fireworks displays in the United States. Hope Rising World Documentary Media Director Oshell Oh with Big Bay Boom Fireworks at San Diego Bay by

 Congratulations! The USA!

Finally, America coming back and celebrating the freedom of the Covid Pandemic! Overcoming Covid Pandemic, the 20-minute spectacular fireworks are celebrating simultaneously from four barges where is one of the largest annual fireworks displays in the United States.
Hope Rising World Documentary  Media Director Oshell Oh with Big Bay Boom Fireworks at San Diego Bay by  

Finally, America coming back and celebrating the freedom of the Covid Pandemic! Overcoming Covid Pandemic, the 20-minute spectacular fireworks are celebrating simultaneously from four barges where is one of the largest annual fireworks displays in the United States. Hope Rising World Documentary Media Director Oshell Oh with Big Bay Boom Fireworks at San Diego Bay by


Hope Rising World Media Dept. Director Oshell Oh


covid- 19 Pandemics can be stressful

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a new disease and what could happen can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, can make people feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety. However, these actions are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.  from



Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations

How you respond to stress during the COVID-19 pandemic can depend on your background, your social support from family or friends, your financial situation, your health and emotional background, the community you live in, and many other factors. The changes that can happen because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ways we try to contain the spread of the virus can affect anyone.

People who may respond more strongly to the stress of a crisis include:

People who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 (for example, older people, and people of any age with certain underlying medical conditions).
Children and teens.
People caring for family members or loved ones.
Frontline workers such as health care providers and first responders,
Essential workers who work in the food industry.
People who have existing mental health conditions.
People who use substances or have a substance use disorder.
People who have lost their jobs, had their work hours reduced, or had other major changes to their employment.
People who have disabilities or developmental delay.
People who are socially isolated from others, including people who live alone, and people in rural or frontier areas.
People in some racial and ethnic minority groups.
People who do not have access to information in their primary language.
People experiencing homelessness.
People who live in congregate (group) settings.  from



Stress during an infectious disease outbreak can sometimes cause the following:

  • Fear and worry about your own health and the health of your loved ones, your financial situation or job, or loss of support services you rely on.
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns.
  • Difficulty sleeping or concentrating.
  • Worsening of chronic health problems.
  • Worsening of mental health conditions.
  • Increased use of tobacco, and/or alcohol and other substances.  from



Our Mission

Hope Rising World(HRW) seeks innovative endeavors to resolve difficulties and enhance the life of human beings all over the world with HRW’s promotion projects; which purpose of this corporation is to perform fundraising events through musical programs, documentary film, competition, and events to serve the needs of homeless children, adoptees, families, and provide educational opportunities.

Thank You Executive Director Oshell Oh

IRS EIN #47-3949546 DLN 26053593004446
Customer Service ID# 31954
Public Charity Status170(b)(I)(A)(vi)
Federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code(IRC) Section 501(c)(3)
Donors can deduct contributions they make to you under IRC Section 170.
CALIFORNIA Filed # F593606
CA Corporate Number C3766646
Donation Account 122039399-500370181 (Hanmi Bank)세계희망올리기

Movie Director Oshell Oh's Profile

Movie Director Oshell Oh Profile
* Profession, Qualifications:
Mature, organized and planning dependable Experienced with Nonprofit Organization for more than 30 years: Movie Director, Planning Director, Multimedia Programmer, and Web developer web programming, multimedia presentation for the special occasion, editing the magazine, developing books, a weekly newspaper with matured computer graphic design skills with producing the CD, DVD or 4K HD Video presentation and Documentary Movies.

* Technology Expertise Movie and Music Skills:
Studied with Movie Director Prof. Feldman(Movie), Prof. Sheila Silver(music), and Prof. Daniel Weymouth(midi and composing) at SUNY at Stony Brook(1996-1999). Study lecture(2015-2016): Professor Anthony G. Artis(NYU) All Movie Production courses and all Adobe CC courses.
* Technology Expertise Computer Skills:
Expert : Master Adobe CC. Pro Tool 10. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, After Effect CS6, Pinnacle, Pro-tool, Flash CS6, Director 8, HTML, and Dynamic HTML. Java program, PHP.
Studied: mySQL, PHP, DOS, Mac, CGI, Dynamic HTML., HTML, Java(excellent), Dream Weaver, Lingo, MS office 2010 word, Access, Excel, Power point
– Attended numerous Microsoft updated program’s special lectures.

Graduated SUNY at Stony Brook at Stony Brook, NY (May, 1999)
Double Major: Psychology received BA Degree (Received Golden Key Honor Society )
Soloist for the Stony Brook Chorale(3 years)

Service for Non-Profit Organization

Founder and Executive Media Director of Hope Rising World Nonprofit Organization 

Asian American Congress(former Asian American Council)
as Communication Director (Now co-chairman)for 30 years

Asian American Advisory Council for Queens North Borough Information Director (6 years)

Los Angeles Korean Philharmonic Orchestra as Executive Director (20 years)

The Federation of Korean Artistic and Cultural Organizations of U.S.A.( as Executive Director (11 Years)

"The Gift"

Hope Rising World Media Dept. Director Oshell Oh
Researching Native American Patriotic
Gallant Warriors' Historical Documentary Story

A. Thomas Schomberg is a sculptor who resides in Colorado.  Schomberg grew up in America’s mid-west during the 1940s and 1950s. After studying for a short time in Europe and completing both MA and MFA degrees, Schomberg moved to the east coast to teach at a progressive community college. Although he received tenure, in 1975 he relocated to Colorado where he established Schomberg Studios with his wife, Cynthia, who is also his agent.
Rocky statue, situated just northeast of the Rocky Steps
In 1981, Sylvester Stallone commissioned Schomberg to create a bronze statue of Rocky Balboa.  Three 2-ton, 10-foot copies were cast. One was installed atop the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art for the filming of Rocky III.
from Wikipedia

"Star Spanged banner"

Hope Rising World Media Dept. Director Oshell Oh
Researching American Patriotic Documentary Story

Star-Spangled Banner by Hope Rising World Media Dept.
O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

ORIGINAL MUSIC “The Star-Spangled Banner (U.S. National Anthem with Four Ruffles and Flourishes)” by U.S. Navy Band Produced
by Hope Rising World Media Dept. Movie Director Oshell Oh Draft preproduction preview Documentary “Star-Spangled Banner”

Chasing Hope Rising World with NCO NYPD by Oshell Oh

Chasing Hope Rising World with NCOs NYPD by Oshell Oh A New Patrol Paradigm Neighborhood Policing greatly increases connectivity and engagement with the community without diminishing, and, in fact, improving the NYPD’s crime-fighting capabilities. The NYPD has long encouraged officers to strengthen bonds with the communities they patrol, but past practice in precincts left little time or opportunity for true community engagement. In recent years, the Patrol Services Bureau has systematically reorganized its patrol methods to achieve the goal of establishing Neighborhood Policing in every precinct, citywide, by 2019. What’s in a Sector? Neighborhood Policing divides precincts into four or five fully-staffed sectors that correspond, as much as possible, to the boundaries of actual established neighborhoods. The radio dispatchers, supervisors, and sector officers work together to maintain “sector integrity,” meaning that the sector officers and sector cars do not leave the boundaries of their assigned sectors, except in precinct-wide emergencies. Neighborhood Policing is sufficiently staffed to permit off-radio time for the sector officers, so they are not exclusively assigned to answering calls for service. Their off-radio time is used to engage with neighborhood residents, identify local problems, and work toward solutions. The sector officer plays the role of a generalist cop who knows and feels responsible for the sector, and who provides the full range of policing services there. Neighborhood Police Supporting the sector officers and filling out each sector’s team are two officers designated as the neighborhood coordination officers (NCOs). The NCOs serve as liaisons between the police and the community, but also as key crime-fighters and problem-solvers in the sector. They familiarize themselves with residents and their problems by attending community meetings with neighborhood leaders and clergy, visiting schools, following up on previous incidents, and using creative techniques and adaptive skills. NCOs are adding a new dimension to the NYPD’s crime-fighting capabilities. They function as adjuncts to the local detective squads, responding swiftly to breaking incidents and developing leads and evidence that might have been missed under the old patrol model. Most importantly, they feel a sense of belonging and responsibility that fosters a willingness to do whatever it takes to keep the neighborhood safe and secure. Chasing Hope Rising World With Neighborhood Police, NYPD


Hope Rising World Media Dept. Director Oshell Oh

Hope Rising World with a great Artist Documentary

Artist, Kyung Young Oh "Woodcut Exhibition for Kids"

Artist, Kyung Young Oh "Woodcut Exhibition for Kids" at Baum Gallery Apr. 30-May 16, 2007

Artist, Kyung Young Oh "Moonlight Sonata"

10th Anniversary Memorial Media Exhibition part1 PRODUCED BY MOVIE DIRECTOR OSHELL OH

Artist, Kyung Young Oh “Moonlight Sonata” 10th Anniversary Memorial Media Exhibition part1 영상 추모전 K.Y. Oh’s 10th Anniversary Memorial Media Exhibition part 1
플레쉬(Original Flash SWF file)로 내가 만들어 주었던 친동생 오경영교수(my younger brother Professor K. Y. Oh) 웹파일이 최근에 웹사이트에서는 작동이 어려워저 영상으로 동생 10주년 추모 Oct. 30th(10th Anniversary Memorial) 를 애도하며 영상으로 전환하여 올립니다
1984 The Exhibition with the Group “KYUG” in Kwan-Hoon Gallery in Seoul The Sacred Painting Exhibition at the Israel Culture Center in Seoul The International Woodcut Exhibition at the Kong-Kan Gallery in Seoul The Exhibition as “Frontier” in the Hye-Song Gallery in Seoul
1985 The International Woodcut Exhibition as “Cadaques?° in Barcelona in Spain
The Exhibition for opening of the In Gallery in Seoul
The International Art Exhibition for Christian at the National Modern Art in Seoul
1986 The Exhibition invited to the 6 Korean New Age Woodcutter at the P.P Gallery in Seoul
The Invitation of Group “KYUG” in Hoon Gallery in Choon-chun 1987 Traveling Show-Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, U.S.A. Mexico, Korea, Colombia
“Pluralism” Exhibition in Min Gallery in Seoul “The 87 Print” in The 3rd Art Hall in Seoul
“The Hun-Jeok” of the Woodcutters in Yoon Gallery in Seoul
The Exhibition of “Stream of Consciousness” in the Young Art Gallery in Seoul
The 3rd Contemporary Art Festival in the Fine Art Center in Taegu
1988 The Seoul Contemporary Art Festival in the Art Center in Seoul The Exhibition of “Mail Art” in the 3rd Gallery in Seoul
The Invitation of the 3rd Gallery in Seoul
The Exhibition of the Seoul Artist in the Seoul Gallery in Seoul “Dai-Bo” installation in Chun-Choo
1989 The Exhibition of the Korean Art Festival in Taejeon, Taegu, Kongjoo, Pusan
The Exhibition about the 80th of Modern Korea in the Dongsoong Art Gallery in Seoul
1990 The Donga Art Great Exhibition in the National Modern Art Museum in Seoul
The New Form’ Exhibition in the Yoon Gallery in Seoul
The Total ‘104’ Exhibition in the Total Gallery in Seoul
1991 The ‘Won’ Exhibition in the Cheongdam Gallery in seoul The Exhibition for the Contemporary Woodcutters in the Total Gallery in Seoul
1992 The International Woodcut Exhibition in Tokyo and 9 cities of Japan
1993 The Woodcut Exhibition of “Contemporary Breath” in the Art Center in Seoul
The Exhibition for the Seoul Art High School Old Pupils in the Art Center in Seoul
The Exhibition for the “Respiration of Wood” in the Hyun-Dai Art Gallery in Seoul
1994 The Exhibition of “Exlibris and Print” in the Midopa Gallery in Seoul The 5th Exhibition for the Korean Fan Art Association in the Dongseo Gallery in Seoul
1995 Seoul Print Art Festival in the Seoul Art Center in Seoul
1996 The Exhibition for the 5 Painter in the Younse Gallery in Seoul The Exhibition for Print Art in the D.M. Gallery in Seoul
The Exhibition for the Kyungwon Art College Old Student in the Woonhyunkung Gellery in Seoul
The Exhibition for the Christian Artist in the Doore Church
1997 The Exhibition moving around 12 cities in Korea such like Seoul, Suwon, Kwangjoo, Taigu, Inchun, Chejoo, Cheonchoo, Cheonan, Pusan, Taijeon, Cheongjoo
1998 The Exhibition of “Good Samaritan” in the Hoetbool Center in Seoul The Exhibition in the “Millenium Fragrance of Kyoungjoo” for Kyoungjoo World Culture Project in the 98Expo KyoungJoo
Kyoungjoo ExpoGallery
Seoul: Kimnaehyun, Hakojae Gallery Taegu: Maekhyang Gallery
Pusan: Songha Gallery Pohang: Taiback Gallery 1999 The Exhibition for the New Millenium in the Hahoi-Andong in the “Tall’ Museum in Andong and Maekhyang in Taigu
2000 The Exhibition for the New Millenium in the Hahoi-Andong in the
Samsung Plaza in Seoungnam
The Exhibition in the “Airplain and Sparrow” in the Hwangtogil in Seoungnam
The In-Cheon Exhibition in the “Open Land in the In-Cheon Art Center The Modern Woodcut Exhibition in the CheongJoo Art Center
The 2000 Woodcut Exchange Exhibition in Asia in the Tohokama City in Japan
2001 The Exhibition in the “only one Calendar in the world” in the Sinsegye Gallery in Incheon
The Exhibition in the “Open to the World in Incheon” in the Incheon Art Center
The May Art Festival in the Na Gallery
The Exhibition for the 10th anniversary for the Poongrim Condominium 2002 The Exhibition for the Exlibris in the Kwanhoon Art Gallery in Seoul The Exhibition for the invited Artist in Cheonan
The Exhibition for the “Anmyeon Island Flower Festival” in the Anmyeon Island
The Exhibition for the Wisdom and Creativity” in the Seongbo Museum in Hapcheon
The Exhibition for the “Happy Approach” In the Hoitbool Center The Exhibition for the 100 Artists in the Bit Gallery
The Exhibition for the Chinese woodcut in the Anniversary of China day 2003 The Exhibition for the Exlibris in the Trade Center in Seoul

Director Oshell Oh Activities

Hope Rising World Media Dept. Executive Director 

Director Oshell Oh Activities

Hope Rising World Media Dept. Executive Director 

Director Oshell Oh Activities

Hope Rising World Media Dept. Executive Director 

Director Oshell Oh Activities

Hope Rising World Media Dept. Executive Director 

Hope rising world

Hope Rising World(HRW) seeks innovative endeavors to resolve difficulties and enhance the life of human beings all over the world with HRW’s promotion projects; which purpose of this corporation is to perform fundraising events through musical programs, documentary film, competition, and events to serve the needs of homeless children, adoptees, families, and provide educational opportunities.


Thank You, Executive Director Oshell Oh


Oshell Oh

Hope Rising World Logo Representation

Back Bone: The octagon symbolizes renewal, rebirth, regeneration, and transition

Top: The eagle signifies inspiration, release from bondage, victory, longevity, speed, pride, father and royalty

Balance Scales: Symbolizes justification and fairness

Star: symbols of the warfare between light, or spirit, and darkness, or material forces.

Middle: 5 sprouts represent: New hope. A beginning or a fresh start. Life or growth.

The 5 heart in the sprouts to represent:  the five continents: Europe(blue), Asia(yellow), Africa(black), The Americas(red), and Oceania(green)

Heart: It is compassion and understanding, life-giving and complex. It is a symbol for love. Hearts also carry senses of intellect and understanding, as well as connotations of the soul, along with come will and courage.

Logo Designed by Director Oshell Oh

Hope Rising World(HRW) seeks innovative endeavors to resolve difficulties and enhance the life of human beings throughout all over the world with HRW’s promotion projects which purpose of this corporation is to perform fundraising events through musical programs, documentary film, competition, and events to serve the needs of homeless children, adoptees, families, and provide educational opportunities.

Thank You Executive Director Oshell Oh

Hope Rising World News

Hope Rising World Nonprofit Organization

EIN #47-3949546
DLN 26053593004446
Customer Service ID# 31954
Public Charity Status170(b)(I)(A)(vi)
Federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code(IRC) Section 501(c)(3)
Donors can deduct contributions they make to you under IRC Section 170.
CALIFORNIA Filed # F593606
CA Corporate Number C3766646
Donation Account 122039399-500370181 (Hanmi Bank)세계희망올리기

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