Oshell Oh Profile

Hope Rising World Media Executive Director

"We have to overcome this crisis for our descendants forever"

 July 23, 2021                                                                         Writer Oshell Oh
If you look at the traces on the earth, natural catastrophes remain endlessly. There are definite deadlines to the humans on earth because Phanerozoic had several Eras, which shows each Era has more than multi-million years of history; however, they were entirely gone from the planet when their Era finished. Now, in Quaternary Period, humans survive living on the earth. Humans try to make and keep all means and methods for the individual with their nations. Still, in the United States, established by freedom as its fundamental ideology. We may have a new pioneering spirit for our next generation from the heart. I believe that a new transformational approach is necessary for humanity in the United States, base upon the world’s best-preserved country.
So far, the universal political ideology of human history has focused on means to continue to keep their government rather than freedom of new ideas, and almost foolish politicians have violated against human liberation throughout all nations.
Eventually, most countries are convinced to keep the economic profit, which is a central problem of global warming. I have seen several global warning documentaries show us that the planet has undergone numerous massive changes, and it will continue to be significant in human beings.
I do not want the human Era to disappear from the earth the same as in former Eras. We must build new solutions for continuing human lives on earth.
We need to love each other, who are our descendants. We must have a more urgent sense of the earth’s crisis. We have to overcome this crisis for our descendants forever. We need a new way to continue human history on the planet by participating in the hope of humanity rather than conflicts of interest between countries. We must prepare space shelters for coming natural earth disasters or go to the safe space of another planet someday.

HRWNEWS.com Media Director Oshell Oh

Chasing Hope Rising World with NCO NYPD by Oshell Oh

Chasing Hope Rising World with NCOs NYPD by Oshell Oh A New Patrol Paradigm Neighborhood Policing greatly increases connectivity and engagement with the community without diminishing, and, in fact, improving the NYPD’s crime-fighting capabilities. The NYPD has long encouraged officers to strengthen bonds with the communities they patrol, but past practice in precincts left little time or opportunity for true community engagement. In recent years, the Patrol Services Bureau has systematically reorganized its patrol methods to achieve the goal of establishing Neighborhood Policing in every precinct, citywide, by 2019. What’s in a Sector? Neighborhood Policing divides precincts into four or five fully-staffed sectors that correspond, as much as possible, to the boundaries of actual established neighborhoods. The radio dispatchers, supervisors, and sector officers work together to maintain “sector integrity,” meaning that the sector officers and sector cars do not leave the boundaries of their assigned sectors, except in precinct-wide emergencies. Neighborhood Policing is sufficiently staffed to permit off-radio time for the sector officers, so they are not exclusively assigned to answering calls for service. Their off-radio time is used to engage with neighborhood residents, identify local problems, and work toward solutions. The sector officer plays the role of a generalist cop who knows and feels responsible for the sector, and who provides the full range of policing services there. Neighborhood Police Supporting the sector officers and filling out each sector’s team are two officers designated as the neighborhood coordination officers (NCOs). The NCOs serve as liaisons between the police and the community, but also as key crime-fighters and problem-solvers in the sector. They familiarize themselves with residents and their problems by attending community meetings with neighborhood leaders and clergy, visiting schools, following up on previous incidents, and using creative techniques and adaptive skills. NCOs are adding a new dimension to the NYPD’s crime-fighting capabilities. They function as adjuncts to the local detective squads, responding swiftly to breaking incidents and developing leads and evidence that might have been missed under the old patrol model. Most importantly, they feel a sense of belonging and responsibility that fosters a willingness to do whatever it takes to keep the neighborhood safe and secure. Chasing Hope Rising World With Neighborhood Police, NYPD

Asian American Congress 34th Annual Celebration Presentation 2018

History of Asian American Congress:
A Continuing Saga

From Asian American Advisory Council to Asian American Congress

Movie Director Oshell Oh's Profile

Movie Director Oshell Oh Profile
* Profession, Qualifications:
Mature, organized and planning dependable Experienced with Nonprofit Organization for more than 30 years: Movie Director, Planning Director, Multimedia Programmer, and Web developer web programming, multimedia presentation for the special occasion, editing the magazine, developing books, a weekly newspaper with matured computer graphic design skills with producing the CD, DVD or 4K HD Video presentation and Documentary Movies.

* Technology Expertise Movie and Music Skills:
Studied with Movie Director Prof. Feldman(Movie), Prof. Sheila Silver(music), and Prof. Daniel Weymouth(midi and composing) at SUNY at Stony Brook(1996-1999). Study Lynda.com lecture(2015-2016): Professor Anthony G. Artis(NYU) All Movie Production courses and all Adobe CC courses.
* Technology Expertise Computer Skills:
Expert : Master Adobe CC. Pro Tool 10. Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, After Effect CS6, Pinnacle, Pro-tool, Flash CS6, Director 8, HTML, and Dynamic HTML. Java program, PHP.
Studied: mySQL, PHP, DOS, Mac, CGI, Dynamic HTML., HTML, Java(excellent), Dream Weaver, Lingo, MS office 2010 word, Access, Excel, Power point
– Attended numerous Microsoft updated program’s special lectures.

Graduated SUNY at Stony Brook at Stony Brook, NY (May, 1999)
Double Major: Psychology received BA Degree (Received Golden Key Honor Society )
Soloist for the Stony Brook Chorale(3 years)

Service for Non-Profit Organization

Founder and Executive Media Director of Hope Rising World Nonprofit Organization 

Asian American Congress(former Asian American Council) asianamericancongress.org
as Communication Director (Now co-chairman)for 30 years

Asian American Advisory Council for Queens North Borough Information Director (6 years)

Los Angeles Korean Philharmonic Orchestra(https://www.facebook.com/Los-Angeles-Korean-Philharmonic-Orchestra-177594275748630) as Executive Director (20 years)

The Federation of Korean Artistic and Cultural Organizations of U.S.A.(fkaco.org) as Executive Director (11 Years)

"Symphonic Poem of Ahn Joong Geun" Documentary movie by Movie Director Oshell Oh

Symphonic Poem of Ahn Joong Geun by Movie Director Oshell Oh 광복 70주년에 바치는 헌정곡 “안중근 교향시” 작곡 박정화 교수 영상작가 오오셀 지휘자 장기웅 음악박사 이헌정곡은 2014년 10월 10 한국 KBS 여의도 메인 홀에서 세계초연작품으로 이곡을 미주 최초로 뉴욕 광복 70주년기념으로 상영합니다

Beautiful Snow Flowers in Yosemite National Park from Hope Rising World Media News

I’d like to share Beautiful Snow Flowers in Yosemite National Park with my good friends. Hope Rising World Documentary Dept. Director Oshell Oh 내가 항상 좋아하는 친구들과 함께 요세미티 공원 설경을 함께….
“White Christmas” is a 1942 Irving Berlin song reminiscing about an old-fashioned Christmas setting. The version sung by Bing Crosby is the world’s best-selling single with estimated sales in excess of 50 million copies worldwide.[1] When the figures for other versions of the song are added to Crosby’s, sales of the song exceed 100 million. from Wikipedia
나 항상 바라던 크리스마스 그대에 크리스마스카드에 당신에 즐거운 성탄과 하얀 눈 쌓인 크리스마스 바라오
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas Just like the ones I used to know Where the treetops glisten and children listen To hear sleigh bells in the snow I’m dreaming of a white Christmas With every Christmas card I write “May your days be merry and bright And may all your Christmases be white”

Back Bone: The octagon symbolizes renewal, rebirth, regeneration, and transition

Top: The eagle signifies inspiration, release from bondage, victory, longevity, speed, pride, father and royalty

Balance Scales: Symbolizes justification and fairness

Star: symbols of the warfare between light, or spirit, and darkness, or material forces.

Middle: 5 sprouts represent: New hope. A beginning or a fresh start. Life or growth.

The 5 heart in the sprouts to represent:  the five continents: Europe(blue), Asia(yellow), Africa(black), The Americas(red), and Oceania(green)

Heart: It is compassion and understanding, life-giving and complex. It is a symbol for love. Hearts also carry senses of intellect and understanding, as well as connotations of the soul, along with come will and courage.

Logo Designed by Director Oshell Oh

Jeremiah 29:11 Bible Animation by Oshell Oh

K. C. Kim Funeral Documentary Last Credit Part Test Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Hope Rising World by Oshell Oh Honor of Elder K. C. Kim Memorial Service 고 김기철 장로 천국 환송 예배 July 23rd, 1959-March 15th, 2015 Place: Fullerton Presbyterian Church Date: March 29th, 2015 4 p.m. Family 부 김인성 장로 모 김영패 권사 여동생 기순 기화 장녀 한나 차녀 선희 삼녀 정인 사녀 진영 장남 성근 차남 노아 삼남 재호

Mysterious Fantasy for Orchestra & Electronic Sound
by movie director Oshell Oh

현대음악 전자음악과 교향악단과 영상 협연 작품 현대음악 박정권작곡 지휘 장기웅 교수 영상작가 오오셀감독 Mysterious Fantasy for Orchestra & Electronic Sound 영상제작: 오오셀감독